
raddo can be installed directly from source or be used from within a docker container.


The software is developed and tested for usage in Linux. Installation via pypi and conda are unfortunately not supported yet.

Install from source

Installing raddo is simple: clone the repository, change into new directory and install via:

git clone <repo-url>
cd raddo
pip install .


pip install -e .

if you want to work on the code.

All requirements should be installed with raddo. But..

GDAL is a requirement of raddo. Installation of this dependency can be a problem. If errors arise, GDAL binaries might be missing. When using conda, conda install -c conda-forge gdal might work. On Ubuntu (and derivates) using the UbuntuGIS-PPA seems to be working quite well.

Use docker instead

Docker lets you run raddo in a containerized form. All depenencies are set up - including GDAL.

docker pull tramsauer/raddo

gets you the prebuilt image from docker-hub. Alternatively, the image can also be directly built with the included Dockerfile via

docker build -t raddo .

from the root directory of the repository.